Qualifying Survey

Is this for you?

  • This list was compiled by citing the most common legally suspect behaviors and tactics used by unscrupulous Timeshare salespeople and the companies that employ them.
  1. How long was your initial Timeshare Tour? How long would you say?
    (90-MINS) (3+ HOURS) (5+ HOURS)
  2. 2. Were you lured to the presentation under the expectation of a;
    (“Free breakfast / lunch / dinner”) (“Owner’s update”) (“Resort orientation”) (“Free vacation cert”) (“2×1 airfare voucher”) (“Gift Card”) (‘Lotto”)
  3. Did your salesperson mention that the maintenance fees would go up in time?
    Yes / No
  4. Were you told that the purchase of your timeshare would be a good investment? That is, like most deeded real estate, it would increase in value?
    Yes / No
  5. Did anyone tell you that the ownership of timeshare could be written off as a tax exemption?
    Yes / No
  6. Were you specifically told about your right to cancel during your closing paperwork (number of days vary from state to state)? Did anyone attempt or try to modify that portion of the contract?
    Yes / No
  7. Did you repeatedly tell the salesperson or manager that at the moment financially it wasn’t good timing?
    Yes / No
  8. If the answer to the previous question is yes please share with us in your best recollection how they handled themselves after that statement and whether or not they respected your comments.
  9. If you’ve mortgage you timeshare purchase typically known as a “financed deal” did they disclose to you the finance charges and particulars prior to bringing paperwork out?
    Yes / No
  10. If you’ve financed your timeshare purchase what is you interest rate and for how any years is the term?
    ______________  / _______________.
    Yes / No
  12. If you’ve financed and your timeshare purchase still has a mortgage what is the balance owed?

Any other notes you’d like to highlight:



First Name: ______________________________ Last Name:_________________________________.
Phone Numbers:_______________________________________________________________________.
Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________.
Street Address Line 2: __________________________________________________________________.
City: ____________________________________________________________________________________.
Postal / Zip Code: _________________________. Country: ____________________________________.
E-mail: ______________________________. RESORT NAME/MEMBERSHIP *____________________.

Yes / No